News Geology

Earth’s Temperature at Glacial Maximum

The current average temperature is around 15 degrees Celsius, but during the peak of the last ice age about 20,000 years ago, it was only

 News Biology

CO2-eating E. Coli bacteria

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science have created a genetically modified strain of E. coli bacteria that can derive all

 News Environment

G-20 Fails to Meet Climate Goals

The G20 countries are responsible for around 80% of greenhouse gas emissions, making them a significant contributor to climate change. Despite the threat of global

 News Environment

Continental and Island Collisions Cause Ice Ages

A new study by scientists at the University of California has revealed that the Earth’s climate has been warm and mild for the majority of

 News Chemistry

Efficient Catalyst Produces Methanol

A new catalyst has been developed that efficiently produces methanol from CO2 and hydrogen, which can be used as a fuel. Even emissions from power

 News Biology

Genetic Roots Create Resilient Crops

Genetically modified plants have been found to develop deeper roots, making them more resilient to environmental conditions and enabling agriculture in harsher environments. Additionally, these

 News Geology

Massive CO2 and Methane Reservoir Discovered in Japan’s Rift Zone

A seismic survey has revealed a massive reservoir of methane and CO2 gas beneath the seabed off the coast of Japan, which could serve as

 News Environment

Ocean’s CO2 sink still intact

The world’s oceans have absorbed 34 billion tons of CO2 between 1994 and 2007, equivalent to one-third of human-made CO2 emissions. While the oceans continue

 News Environment

Antarctica was once a rainforest

Millions of years ago, the Antarctic was a lush rainforest, according to researchers who analyzed sediment samples from an Antarctic drill core. The samples, taken