News Medicine

Light exercise boosts senior cognition.

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Tsukuba in Japan has found that light exercise, such as low-intensity cycling or yoga, can

 News Psychology

Phone Distraction: Affects Concentration

Japanese psychologists have discovered in an experiment that the mere sight of a mobile phone disrupts concentration. Researchers previously believed that active use of mobile

 News Medicine

The Productivity Paradox: Unpredictable Thinking with Ritalin and Co.

A recent study conducted by the University of Cambridge has revealed that intelligent drugs, such as Ritalin, which are often used by individuals without ADHD

 News Medicine

Detecting Dementia 9 Years Early

A new study has found that early signs of dementia can be detected up to nine years before symptoms appear through health data and cognitive

 News Technology

Thermo Mattress for Restful Sleep

A new mattress with an active heating and cooling system has been developed that significantly improves sleep quality and helps people fall asleep faster. According

 News Medicine

Sleep deprivation affects human perception.

Sleep deprivation has long been known to cause lack of concentration and fatigue. However, a recent study has found that it also alters a person’s

 News Medicine

Overestimation of IQ and Brain Size Relationship

A high IQ is often associated with a large brain, but a recent metastudy suggests that this correlation is greatly overestimated. While several studies have

 News Medicine

Ideal Sleep Duration for Adults Identified

A recent study conducted by scientists at Fudan University in Shanghai has revealed that seven hours of sleep is the optimal duration for adults in

 News Medicine

Intelligence Declines After Age 35

A recent study conducted by an international team of scientists has found that human intelligence continues to increase until the age of 35, after which

 News Medicine

Boost Cognitive Abilities with Moderate Alcohol Consumption

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Georgia College of Public Health has found that moderate alcohol consumption in middle to older