News Medicine

Men’s higher colon cancer risk partially unexplained.

Men have almost twice the risk of developing colon cancer compared to women, despite known risk factors only partially explaining this disparity. Hormones may be

 News Medicine

Obesity in Pregnancy Increases Child’s Colon Cancer Risk

Obesity during pregnancy doubles the risk of colon cancer in children, according to a recent study published in the journal Gut. This finding supports the

 News Medicine

Red Meat Increases Colon Cancer Risk

A new study by scientists at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern has found that a diet high in red meat can increase the risk of

 News Medicine

Yogurt Lowers Men’s Colon Cancer Risk

A new study published in the journal Gut has found that men who consume yogurt regularly have a 19% lower risk of developing adenomas, which

 News Medicine

Fish Bacteria: New Antibiotic Source

Scientists in the United States have discovered substances in fish mucus that can combat numerous antibiotic-resistant pathogens. One bacterium found in the mucus of Pacific

 News Medicine

Double Survival Rate with Aspirin

A recent study conducted by Dutch researchers has found that regular intake of low doses of aspirin can almost double the average survival rate of

 News Medicine

Detecting Colon Cancer through Breath

Italian researchers have developed a new diagnostic method that could detect colon cancer through analyzing exhaled breath. The study found that certain gaseous substances were