News Medicine

Low-Income Workers Lag in Vaccination

In Germany, there is a significant difference in COVID-19 vaccination rates between high and low-income earners, according to a study by the Economic and Social

 News Biology

Neanderthal’s 51,000-Year-Old Bone Artwork

In the Harz region of Lower Saxony, Germany, a phalanx or toe bone of an extinct deer with striking engravings was recently discovered. An analysis

 News Psychology

Why People Prefer Rounded Numbers

A recent study conducted by scientists at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, USA, has found that people tend to prefer rounded numbers over exact

 News Medicine

Dementia patients benefit from quiz games.

Researchers have found evidence that simple quiz games and letter puzzles have a significant positive impact on people with dementia. In a pilot study conducted

 News Psychology

94% Success Rate Divorce Formula

Mathematicians have developed a simple formula that can predict whether a marriage will last or end in divorce. The formula, created by psychology professor John

 News Biology

Moths Hear Ultrasound Frequencies

The Great Wax Moth has an incredibly simple yet powerful hearing ability that can detect ultrasound up to 300 kHz. This is in stark contrast

 News Technology

Mind-Reading Headset Developed

Researchers at MIT have developed a headset that can be controlled by thoughts. The device, called AlterEgo, uses electric signals in facial muscles to interpret

 News Psychology

Smartphones strain relationships

The negative impact of smartphones on relationships has been highlighted in a recent study by ElitePartner. The study shows that excessive use of mobile devices

 News Psychology

Top Couple Disputes in Relationships

A new study has revealed the most common topics of arguments among couples in Germany, as well as the most frequent triggers for men and

 News Biology

What do cats say with ‘meow’?

A recent study conducted by a cat lover and expert in phonetics, Susanne Schötz, aims to explore the possibility of communication between humans and cats.