News Medicine

Brain Implants Aid Severe Injuries

A new study published on Monday offers hope to the more than five million Americans who suffer from permanent disabilities due to traumatic brain injuries.

 News Medicine

Improved Concentration in Humans

In recent decades, the average intelligence quotient (IQ) has decreased in many countries, while concentration ability has increased. This trend, known as the Flynn Effect,

 News Psychology

Phone Distraction: Affects Concentration

Japanese psychologists have discovered in an experiment that the mere sight of a mobile phone disrupts concentration. Researchers previously believed that active use of mobile

 News Medicine

Cannabis Harms Brain and Behavior

A new study published in the JAMA Psychiatry journal has revealed that cannabis use in adolescence can lead to impulsive behavior, poor concentration, and even

 News Psychology

Daydreaming improves brain connectivity.

Daydreaming is not always a sign of a faulty system. In fact, researchers have found that allowing our thoughts to wander can be beneficial. Concentration

 News Psychology

3 Key Compatibility Factors for Happy Couples

Japanese psychologists have discovered in an experiment that the mere sight of a mobile phone disrupts concentration. Researchers previously believed that active use of mobile