News Environment

Migratory Landbird Hotspots in Eastern US

Migratory Birds in North America Need More Protection During Their Stopovers Migratory birds in North America are in trouble. Their populations are declining rapidly, and

 News Biology

Widespread Illegal Caviar Trade in Europe

Illegal Fishing of Endangered Sturgeon Species for Caviar Continues Despite Protections. Sturgeon, one of the most endangered species on Earth, are still being illegally caught

 News Biology

Rhinoceros Populations Rise Despite Poaching

The number of rhinos in Africa has significantly increased despite ongoing poaching, with plans to release 2,000 more rhinos into the wild. According to the

 News Biology

Rediscovery of Lost Oak Species

In a remarkable discovery, botanists have rediscovered a species of oak tree believed to be extinct in the Big Bend National Park in Texas. The

 News Biology

Europe’s frog hunger threatens populations

The high demand for frog legs in the EU is endangering wild frog populations in their countries of origin. To prevent the extinction of these

 News Biology

Reviving Tasmanian Tiger with Genetic Engineering

The Tasmanian Tiger, also known as the Thylacine, has been extinct for 86 years. However, scientists are now attempting to revive the largest predatory marsupial

 News Environment

Microplastic causing forest death?

Coral reefs have been hit hard by climate change, with global coral stocks declining by around 14% over the past decade. However, a recent study

 News Environment

Endangered Sharks Found in Dog Food

Shark DNA Found in Dog and Cat Food In a shocking discovery, scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have found DNA from endangered

 News Environment

Coral Reefs Resilient to Climate Change

Coral reefs are facing a significant threat from climate change, with global coral stocks declining by around 14% in the last decade. However, a recent

 News Biology

Tree of Life: 2.2 Million Species

After nine years of hard work, scientists have completed the “Tree of Life,” a massive visualization containing information on all known living and recently extinct