News Psychology

Conspiracy Theories and Subjectivism

A recent study by the Emory University has shown that personal motivation and a combination of character traits make people susceptible to conspiracy theories. Researchers

 News Psychology

Radicalization of Conspiracy Believers Online

The spread of conspiracy theories has become increasingly prevalent on social media platforms. Researchers have identified four stages of radicalization that occur as a result.

 News Geology

Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved?

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Triangle, has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories due to the disappearance of over 50 ships

 News Psychology

Stress-prone personality types

A recent study conducted by researchers at Emory University has shed light on why some individuals are more susceptible to believing in conspiracy theories. The

 News Psychology

AfD voters believe in conspiracies

More than a third of Germans believe in conspiracy theories, according to a study by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The study found that AfD voters

 News Psychology

Why People Believe in Conspiracies?

A recent study by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. (FES) revealed that in Germany, supporters of the far-right party AfD are more likely to believe in conspiracy

 News Environment

Wind turbines face conspiracy theories

The construction of new wind turbines in Germany is often hindered by conspiracy theories. However, demographic factors such as age, education level, or political orientation

 News Environment

Decrease in Number of Hurricanes

The construction of new wind turbines in Germany is often hindered by conspiracy theories. However, demographic factors such as age, education level, or political orientation

 News Psychology

Conspiracy Theories Gain High Approval

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Basel has shed light on the prevalence of COVID-19 conspiracy theories in Germany and German-speaking

 News Psychology

Fewer COVID Deniers in Germany

The number of people in Germany who deny the existence of COVID-19 or believe in other conspiracy theories related to the pandemic has decreased from