News Medicine

Microplastics found in human heart

A recent study conducted by the Capital Medical University (CMU) has found that microplastic particles can accumulate in the human heart and bloodstream. The study,

 News Chemistry

Toxic Chemicals Found in Paper and Bamboo Straws

To the dismay of environmentalists, plastic straws have been banned in the European Union since the beginning of 2021. In response, many people have turned

 News Medicine

High Heavy Metal Levels in Cannabis Consumers

Cannabis consumers have significantly higher levels of lead in their blood compared to non-users, according to a recent study by researchers at Columbia University Mailman

 News Environment

New Radiation Levels from Chernobyl Released

New measurement data shows the detailed radioactive contamination in the exclusion zone of Chernobyl. Given the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, these data are of particular

 News Environment

Medication pollutes rivers worldwide.

Rivers on all continents contain drugs in dangerously high concentrations, with poorer countries being particularly affected. A recent study by the University of York found

 News Environment

Fukushima: Radioactive Water to Sea

TEPCO, the operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that exploded in 2011, plans to dispose of over 1.2 million tons of radioactive wastewater

 News Environment

Radioactive Soil Contamination in Europe

A new map has been released that highlights the contamination of Europe by radioactive elements. The map was created by analyzing soil samples and identifying

 News Medicine

High Temperatures Increase SARS-CoV-2 Half-Life

A new study has found that higher temperatures can significantly increase the half-life of infectious SARS-CoV-2 particles. The virus is primarily transmitted through aerosols and

 News Environment

200,000 Microplastic Particles Ingested Annually

A recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Victoria has found that seafood, fish, and drinks in PET bottles are highly contaminated with

 News Environment

Coasts of North and Baltic Seas polluted by microplastics

Microplastics in northern German waters are attracting toxins at a much higher rate than previously thought, according to a recent study. The tiny plastic particles