News Biology

Coral Adapts to Rising Temperatures

Palau’s coral reefs in the Pacific have adapted to climate change and higher water temperatures, but the threat of bleaching can only be prevented by

 News Environment

Microplastic causing forest death?

Coral reefs have been hit hard by climate change, with global coral stocks declining by around 14% over the past decade. However, a recent study

 News Environment

Coral Reefs Resilient to Climate Change

Coral reefs are facing a significant threat from climate change, with global coral stocks declining by around 14% in the last decade. However, a recent

 News Environment

Coral Reef Found off Apulian Coast

Meeresbiologists have discovered a previously unknown coral reef off the coast of southern Italy that spans over two kilometers in length. What makes this reef

 News Biology

Massive Second Coral Reef Found in Australia

A second massive coral reef has been discovered by researchers north of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. The reef is estimated to be around

 News Environment

Caribbean Coral Reefs in Danger

The beautiful coral reefs of the Caribbean are in danger, according to British researchers who have found that many of the corals are no longer