News Astronomy

Universe may be twice as old

A new study suggests that the universe may be twice as old as previously thought. This is supported by stars like Methuselah, which appear to

 News Astronomy

ESA Telescope Searches for Dark Matter

The European Space Agency’s Euclid telescope is set to be launched into space by a Falcon-9 rocket from SpaceX. The mission aims to provide new

 News Astronomy

Black Holes: Source of Dark Energy?

Astronomers may have finally discovered the source of the mysterious Dark Energy that propels the expansion of the universe. The solution could lie in supermassive

 News Astronomy

Anomalous Milky Way Galaxy

The Milky Way is a massive and large spiral galaxy that is unique in its cosmic neighborhood. Scientists are still unsure why our home galaxy

 News Physics

Multiple Realities? Physicists Suggest Multiverse

A recent experiment with graphene has led to a surprising discovery that could explain the existence of a multiverse. Physicists have long been trying to

 News Physics

Neutrino Mass Halved in New Measurement

Neutrinos, also known as ghost particles, are among the most common elementary particles in the universe. Due to their lack of interaction with other matter,

 News Physics

The Kilogram is Now Tied to a Natural Constant

Physicists from around the world have made a groundbreaking discovery at the Japanese particle accelerator, J-Parc. They have created a new and surprisingly stable form