News Medicine

WHO demands China clarify mysterious lung illnesses.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called on China to provide information about a recent surge in lung infections among children. The situation has raised

 News Medicine

Life Expectancy in Germany Decreases Again

Shocking news has emerged from Germany, as the country’s life expectancy has decreased for the third year in a row. According to a study by

 News Psychology

Decline in Media Trust in Germany

The trust in media in Germany has slightly decreased, but it remains at a higher level than before Covid-19. According to a study by the

 News Medicine

Omikron offers 67% lower mortality

A recent analysis by the Office for National Statistics (OMS) has revealed that the risk of death from an Omicron infection is significantly lower than

 News Medicine

Lung immune cells grown in lab.

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the Texas Biomedical Research Institute have successfully grown alveolar macrophages in a laboratory setting. These immune cells are responsible

 News Medicine

Chinese Top Researcher Doesn’t Rule Out Lab-Origin of Covid-19

In a surprising turn of events, a leading scientist who headed the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the Covid-19 pandemic has

 News Psychology

AfD voters believe in conspiracies

More than a third of Germans believe in conspiracy theories, according to a study by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The study found that AfD voters

 News Medicine

1 Million Lives Saved by Covid-19 Vaccines in Europe

The Covid-19 vaccines have saved over a million lives in Europe, with many deaths prevented during the Omicron wave. According to the World Health Organization

 News Medicine

WHO declares Covid-19 global health emergency

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that Covid-19 remains a global health emergency, despite the pandemic reaching a transitional phase. The virus is still

 News Medicine

Cause of Covid-19 vaccine breakthroughs

A recent study conducted by the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) has discovered possible causes for Covid-19 breakthrough infections, even in fully vaccinated individuals. The largest