News Medicine

Safe Combined COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination

A simultaneous vaccination against Covid-19 and the flu does not affect the efficacy or safety of either vaccine, according to a recent study conducted by

 News Medicine

Increased Local Side Effects Post-Third Covid-19 Vaccine

In the United States, 74.9% of patients experienced local side effects after receiving their third Covid-19 vaccine, while 69.6% suffered from systemic reactions. On August

 News Medicine

Vouchers Boost COVID-19 Vaccination Willingness

In order to prevent a potential fourth wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, experts say that a vaccination rate of 85% among 18-59 year olds and

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Reduces Life Expectancy Like WWII

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on life expectancy in many countries, including Germany. However, the most significant decline has been observed in

 News Medicine

Smoking Protects Against Covid-19?

A new study from the University of Hiroshima has shed light on the paradoxical phenomenon that smokers are less likely to contract COVID-19, but more

 News Medicine

Safe and Effective Covid-19 Vaccine for 5-11 Year Olds

BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine has been found to be safe and effective in children aged 5 to 11, according to a study involving 4,500 participants. The

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Clinical Trials in Germany: Often Unsuccessful

Only 14 out of 65 clinical Covid-19 studies have been successfully completed in Germany, according to a recent analysis by scientists from the Department of

 News Medicine

Third Covid-19 shot unnecessary

According to a WHO vaccine expert, a third Covid-19 vaccine dose is currently only useful in a few exceptional cases. Instead, the available vaccine doses

 News Environment

COVID-19 Pandemic Increases Plastic Waste

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an additional 8.4 million tons of plastic waste, including masks, protective equipment, and other medical supplies. Shockingly, at least

 News Medicine

Low-Income Workers Lag in Vaccination

In Germany, there is a significant difference in COVID-19 vaccination rates between high and low-income earners, according to a study by the Economic and Social