News Biology

Early Photosynthesis Shifts Evolutionary Timelines

Oxygen, vital for life, was available 3.5 billion years ago. Photosynthesis emerged a billion years earlier than previously believed, challenging our understanding of the formation

 News Biology

Deadly Bacterial Toxin Kills Eagles

A mysterious disease has been killing bald eagles since the 1990s, and now the cause has finally been discovered. The disease, called vacuolar myelopathy, causes

 News Biology

Bio-plastic produced by manipulated cyanobacteria.

Revolutionizing Plastic Production with Manipulated Cyanobacteria The global plastic production is expected to increase by 40% in the next decade, which is a significant concern

 News Biology

Microbes Win in Atacama Desert

Researchers in the United States have discovered that bacteria can survive in extreme conditions in the Atacama Desert in Chile. The bacteria were found to