News Technology

SMS can spy on phone location.

A team of international scientists led by Evangelos Bitsikas from Northeastern University has discovered that it is possible to determine the location of a mobile

 News Economics

Start-up gives away 500k TVs

Teevee, a start-up based in San Francisco, has announced that it will be giving away 500,000 55-inch Telly televisions for free. The catch? The company

 News Medicine

Boosted recover faster from Omicron.

Boosted individuals recover significantly faster from the Covid-19 Omicron variant than those with basic immunity, according to a study by epidemiologist Tim Spector and his

 News Economics

German Wealth Underestimated by Statistics

A recent study by the Deutsche Bundesbank (BBk) has revealed that the average net worth of households in Germany is €232,800, with a median of