News Environment

Wealthy households drive CO2 emissions.

Wealthy individuals are responsible for disproportionately high levels of CO2 emissions, with investments being the main culprit. As such, experts suggest shifting towards an income

 News Technology

Endless Train Rides with One Charge

The Infinity Train, developed by Fortescue Metals Group in collaboration with Williams Advanced Engineering, is a revolutionary transportation system that can run practically indefinitely on

 News Environment

Algae Farm: More Effective than Rainforest?

Brilliant Planet, a start-up based in London, has developed a new algae farm to combat climate change by reducing the concentration of CO2 in the

 News Environment

Beware of Artificial Sunlight Reduction

Scientists have issued a warning against the artificial reduction of sunlight, citing the risks of solar geoengineering as too great. They are calling for an

 News Environment

Cleanest Cars: Electric Vehicles with Coal Power

Electric cars have long been criticized for their energy-intensive battery production and reliance on coal-powered electricity. However, a new study by the International Council on