News Biology

Deep-sea bacteria with magnetic properties

In a groundbreaking discovery, magnetotactic bacteria have been found in the deep sea, using the Earth’s magnetic field as a “railway track” for orientation. These

 News Biology

20-Armed Sea Creature Found Deep-Sea

A new marine creature with tentacle-like arms has been discovered in the depths of the Antarctic sea. The organism uses its extremities for both movement

 News Biology

Deep-sea robot discovers new habitat

A previously unknown habitat in the deep sea has been discovered by a diving robot under hydrothermal vents. The discovery expands our understanding of animal

 News Biology

Deep-sea Hammerheads Don’t Breathe

Hammerhead sharks are known to venture into the cold depths of the ocean in search of prey, but how they maintain their body temperature during

 News Biology

Unique Deep-Sea Bacteria Reproduction Discovered

A new species of bacteria has been discovered in the deep sea that possesses a unique method of reproduction and releases viruses to accelerate its

 News Biology

Unknown Fish Species Found in Record Depth

In a groundbreaking discovery, a deep-sea robot has captured footage of an unknown species of fish at a depth of 8,336 meters in the Bonin

 News Biology

Mysterious Deep Sea: Unknown Creatures

In the unfathomable depths of our oceans, researchers have made an astonishing discovery of previously unknown life forms. These newly discovered species shed light on

 News Environment

Deep sea more polluted with microplastics

The deep sea is even more contaminated with microplastics than previously thought, according to a study by the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research, the Goethe

 News Biology

Glowing deep-sea sharks found near New Zealand

Off the coast of New Zealand, scientists have discovered three species of glowing sharks, the first known sharks to exhibit bioluminescence. The physical properties of

 News Geology

Earth’s complete carbon balance created

The Earth contains a total of 1.85 billion gigatons of carbon, with 99.9% of it being located below the surface. Of the 43,500 gigatons on