News Medicine

Sitting Increases Dementia Risk

Sitting for ten hours or more daily significantly increases the risk of dementia, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical

 News Medicine

More Muscle, Less Dementia

A recent study conducted by the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) has found that a genetically derived higher muscle mass can reduce the risk

 News Medicine

Fluctuating Cholesterol Raises Alzheimer’s Risk

A new study conducted by scientists at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, U.S.A. has found that people with fluctuating cholesterol levels are more likely to

 News Medicine

Surprising Link Found Between Dementia and Physical Work

A new study by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health has found a paradoxical link between physical activity at work and the risk of cognitive

 News Medicine

Married Seniors Have Lower Dementia Risk

Married seniors with long-lasting marriages are less likely to develop dementia than those who are single. This risk decreases even further if the married couple

 News Medicine

Detecting Dementia 9 Years Early

A new study has found that early signs of dementia can be detected up to nine years before symptoms appear through health data and cognitive

 News Medicine

Puzzles Slow Memory Loss

Crossword puzzles are not just a fun pastime, they can also help prevent memory loss associated with dementia. Researchers have found that regular puzzle-solving can

 News Medicine

Delay Dementia with Vitamin Cocktail

A new study conducted by scientists at Wake Forest University has found that a special multivitamin supplement can slow down cognitive decline in seniors by

 News Medicine

Can Nose Picking Cause Dementia?

Bacteria can enter the human brain through nose-picking, and a recent study investigates whether this can lead to dementia. The Griffith University study in Queensland,

 News Medicine

Reduced Dementia Risk After Cataract Surgery

A recent study conducted by the University of Washington has found that seniors who undergo cataract surgery to restore their vision have a significantly reduced