News Psychology

Infant Brain Categorizes Voices

New research has shown that even at just four months old, babies have a special preference for voices. This is because voices are the most

 News Physics

China achieves breakthrough in nuclear fusion

China’s Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), also known as China’s artificial sun, has achieved a new breakthrough in nuclear fusion. The construction of an industrial

 News Physics

Melting Chocolate with Fat

A new study from the University of Leeds has developed an artificial tongue that can objectively measure the sensation of eating. The research found that

 News Environment

Africa’s Massive Reforestation Effort

Ten African countries have announced plans to create a massive forest area in regions below the Sahara by 2030. The project aims to improve the

 News Psychology

Babies Confuse Reality with Touchscreens

Babies and young children are increasingly confusing reality with the world of touchscreens on mobile phones and tablet computers, according to parents and researchers. This

 News Psychology

Drawing skills predict future intelligence.

British scientists have conducted a long-term study that may predict intelligence in growing children. Ten years ago, four-year-olds were asked to draw a person. Now,

 News Biology

Birth weight affects brain size.

A recent study conducted by an international team of researchers has found a correlation between birth weight and brain size later in life. However, the

 News Technology

Drones for Civil Aviation

The British government is currently supporting the testing of unmanned civilian aircraft for commercial flights. The first test flight is set to take place with