News Economics

Germany Could Save €16 Billion with Sugar Tax

A sugar tax could significantly reduce the consumption of soft drinks, saving the German economy and healthcare system €16 billion. High sugar consumption is associated

 Story Biology

Nucleus Aids Mitochondria in Stressful Times

Tiny cellular structures, known as organelles, are in constant communication, akin to the organs of a cell. The discovery of GPS2, a messenger protein in

 News Medicine

Voice Analysis Detects Diabetes

A new study has found that an artificial intelligence (AI) can accurately detect changes in a person’s voice that indicate the presence of diabetes. The

 News Medicine

Aspirin lowers diabetes risk in seniors.

A recent study conducted by researchers at Monash University in Melbourne has found that daily intake of 100mg of aspirin can significantly reduce the risk

 News Medicine

Worm-based vaccine lowers diabetes risk.

A new study conducted by researchers at James Cook University in Australia has found that a vaccination with live worms can positively affect metabolism and

 News Medicine

Sea Cucumbers Prevent Diabetes

Seegurken, also known as Holothuria scabra, have been found to prevent the formation of glycation end products (AGEs) and potentially lower the risk of diabetes.

 News Medicine

Sweetener Alters Human Gene Activity

Sweeteners Modulate Gene Activity in White Blood Cells and Affect the Production of Immune Messengers Sweeteners are commonly used in diet drinks as a healthy

 News Medicine

Implant Energy from Blood Sugar

Swiss researchers from the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH) have developed a tiny fuel cell that can generate energy for implants and regulate blood sugar

 News Medicine

Red Meat Increases Diabetes Risk

Red meat, such as beef and lamb, significantly increases the risk of diabetes. Instead, people should consume alternative protein sources such as nuts and legumes.

 News Medicine

Cannabis and Weight Loss: Explained

A recent study has found that despite the common “munchies” effect associated with cannabis consumption, regular users of the drug tend to have lower body