News Biology

New Dinosaur Species with Beak Found in Brazil

A new dinosaur species has been discovered in Brazil, and it’s a relative of the T-Rex. However, this dinosaur, named Berthasaura leopoldinae or “Bertha,” had

 News Biology

Reviving Woolly Mammoths: Jurassic Park?

In a groundbreaking move, a team of scientists led by George Church from Harvard University has received $15 million in funding to bring the woolly

 News Biology

New Giant Dinosaur Found in Australia

Australotitan cooperensis, the largest dinosaur ever found in Australia, has been discovered after 15 years of excavation. The dinosaur was estimated to be as long

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First fossil of nesting dinosaur found.

A groundbreaking discovery in China has revealed that dinosaurs incubated their eggs in a manner similar to modern-day birds. Palaeontologists have long known that most

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Oldest Primate Fossils Unearthed

Newly discovered fossils reveal that the ancestors of humans lived on Earth at the same time as the last dinosaurs. The first forms of mammals

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Giant Babies of Prehistoric Megalodon

US researchers have suggested that the offspring of the prehistoric giant shark, Otodus megalodon, were born with an astonishing size. According to the study published

 News Biology

Amber Flower from Chalk Age

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found a previously unknown genus of flowering plants from the Cretaceous period preserved in amber in Myanmar. Amber, which

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Oldest Python Found Near Darmstadt

A 47.5 million-year-old fossil found near Darmstadt, Germany, has revealed that pythons originated on the northern continent of Laurasia. Today, anacondas, pythons, and boas are

 News Biology

Megalodon: The Giant Shark

The Megalodon, a prehistoric shark that lived 23 to 3 million years ago, was much larger than previously thought, according to a new study by

 News Biology

Giant Bird Linked to Early Humans

Palaeontologists have made a surprising discovery on the Crimean Peninsula: a three-and-a-half-meter-tall skeleton of a flightless bird, which is believed to have been in contact