News Astronomy

Surprising Discoveries in the Atmosphere of the Exoplanet

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has opened a new chapter in exoplanet exploration, focusing on the peculiar features of WASP-107b. This gas giant, positioned

 News Archeology

New Chamber Found in Cheops Pyramid

A previously unknown chamber has been discovered in the Cheops Pyramid of Giza, according to ultrasound measurements and endoscopic images. The hidden room is at

 News Archeology

Royal Shipwreck Found off England

The discovery of the royal frigate Gloucester, more than 300 years after its sinking, has historians excited about the potential new insights into a crucial

 News Geology

Alien Minerals Found in Meteorite

In a recent study of the El Ali meteorite found in Somalia, scientists have discovered two new minerals that have never been found on Earth

 News Biology

Life found under 900m thick ice

In a surprising discovery, scientists from the British Antarctic Survey stumbled upon an unknown form of life during sediment sampling in the Antarctic. The team

 News Archeology

Opening 3,500-Year-Old Sarcophagus

In a groundbreaking discovery, archaeologists in the city of Luxor, Egypt have opened a sarcophagus in the Al-Asasif necropolis for the first time in front

 News Biology

Deepest Living Fish Found in Marianas Trench

In a groundbreaking discovery, a team of researchers from the University of Washington has caught a previously unknown fish in the Mariana Trench, the deepest

 News Biology

10,000-Year-Old Woolly Rhino Baby Discovered

In the frigid Siberian tundra, Russian researchers have made a remarkable discovery: the remains of a baby woolly rhinoceros. This find is particularly significant as

 News Archeology

Did Marco Polo Discover America 200 Years Earlier?

In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered America – or so we thought. Now, there is reason to believe that the timeline of this discovery needs to

 News Environment

Mystery Atmospheric Phenomenon Discovered

In a groundbreaking discovery, Dr. Markus Rex, an ozone specialist and scientist, and his international research team have uncovered an unknown atmospheric phenomenon. They have