News Economics

News media losing young audience

Young people are increasingly turning away from traditional news media, according to a study by the GESIS Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences in Germany. The

 News Psychology

Widespread Anti-Semitic Stereotypes Among AfD Voters

Antisemitic attitudes are still prevalent in Germany, with the highest percentage of supporters found among AfD voters. According to a Forsa study commissioned by the

 News Psychology

Obese Children Get Poorer Grades

A recent study conducted by social scientists Mona Dian from the University of Worms and Moris Triventi from the University of Trento in Italy has

 News Psychology

Headscarf-wearing women receive less help in Germany.

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania has found that women wearing headscarves in Germany receive less help from strangers in

 News Psychology

Discrimination in Carpooling due to Turkish Names

Discrimination against profiles with Turkish names compared to those with German names has been found on online ride-sharing platforms. Researchers from the University of Cologne

 News Medicine

Blondes are not dumber – quite the opposite.

Blondes are often stereotyped as being less intelligent, but a new study conducted by researchers in the United States has debunked this myth. The study,