News Medicine

Alcohol Increases Risk of 60+ Diseases

Alcohol Increases Risk of 61 Diseases, Including Previously Unrecognized Ones A study conducted on over 500,000 Chinese individuals has revealed that alcohol consumption increases the

 News Medicine

Zombie genes activate after death

New research from the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) has revealed that certain “zombie genes” in the brain become more active after death. This discovery

 News Medicine

Patch enables needle-free vaccination

A revolutionary new patch with microneedles has been developed that allows for pain-free vaccinations without the need for a traditional needle. Researchers at the University

 News Medicine

Human Genome Decoded Completely

In 2001, several research groups announced that they had decoded 92% of the human genome, a milestone for biomedical research and science as a whole.

 News Medicine

Double Liver Fat Production with Added Sugar

A moderate consumption of sugar significantly increases the production of fat in the liver, which in turn raises the risk of diseases such as type

 News Medicine

Smart People Live Longer

Intelligent People Have Higher Life Expectancy and Lower Risk of Diseases, Study Shows A groundbreaking long-term study of 65,765 children has found that intelligent people

 News Medicine

Measles Erase Immune System Memory

The measles virus is causing a significant portion of the immune system’s antibodies to be destroyed, making people more susceptible to a range of diseases