News Biology

New Snake Family Identified

A new study has revealed that the Micrelaps snakes, known for their distinctive black and yellow ring patterns, belong to a previously unknown family of

 News Physics

Glass and DNA material stronger than steel.

A new material made of DNA and flawless nanoglass is lighter and stronger than steel, according to researchers at the University of Connecticut. Combining strength

 News Environment

Endangered Sharks Found in Dog Food

Shark DNA Found in Dog and Cat Food In a shocking discovery, scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have found DNA from endangered

 News Biology

Mammoths Roamed Alaska 5,700 Years Ago

New research from McMaster University has revealed that woolly mammoths lived on the North American mainland as recently as 5,700 years ago. The study, published

 News Medicine

CRISPRoff: Permanently Deactivating Genes

Scientists at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research have developed a gene switch called CRISPRoff that can permanently deactivate individual genes without altering DNA. The

 News Biology

New Prehistoric Human Found in Israel

A new species of ancient human has been discovered in Ramla, Israel. Fossils dating back 140,000 to 120,000 years were found during excavations and are

 News Medicine

E211 Alters Epigenome in Food

The common food additive E211, also known as sodium benzoate, has been found to alter gene activity and DNA in small amounts, according to researchers

 News Biology

Hefe challenges DNA uniqueness rule.

Scientists have discovered a type of yeast that challenges the general rule of DNA uniqueness. This yeast is the first known organism in which the

 News Physics

Observing Hydrogen Bond Formation for the First Time

Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery by using a scanning probe microscope to observe the formation of a hydrogen bond in a single molecule. The

 News Biology

First Living Omura’s Whale Documented

For the first time in history, marine researchers have captured photos and videos of living Omura’s whales. Until now, these creatures were only known through