News Medicine

One in Six German Drivers Endanger Traffic

Many drivers in Germany are endangering traffic due to medical reasons, but there are currently no mandatory health checks for seniors. In most EU member

 News Medicine

86% Support Senior Driver Testing

A recent survey has found that 86% of participants are in favor of retesting senior citizens’ driving abilities. Statistics show that individuals over the age

 News Medicine

Half a Glass of Beer Can Cause Vision Problems

A new study published in The Journal of Physiology by scientists at NASA Ames Research Center has found that the current legal blood alcohol limit

 News Medicine

Driving for hours reduces intelligence.

Regular long-distance driving and excessive television watching have been found to reduce IQ, according to a study conducted by the University of Leicester and Leicester

 News Psychology

Daydreaming improves brain connectivity.

Daydreaming is not always a sign of a faulty system. In fact, researchers have found that allowing our thoughts to wander can be beneficial. Concentration