News Economics

Rise in Illegal Drug Consumption

The consumption of illegal drugs has significantly increased over the past decade, according to the United Nations. Opioids such as heroin and cannabis are responsible

 News Medicine

Top German Cities for Cocaine Consumption

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has released a report on the consumption of illegal drugs in 104 European cities across

 News Economics

Increased Drug Use from Cannabis Legalization?

A recent study has debunked the theory that legalizing cannabis leads to an increase in the consumption of other drugs. In the United States, many

 News Medicine

Regeneration: Frog grows new leg

A new drug cocktail has led to the regeneration of a new leg in frogs after amputation, raising the possibility of improving human regeneration abilities

 News Medicine

Can Hair Protein Fight Covid-19?

A breakthrough discovery has been made by a team of scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who have found that a component of the immune

 News Medicine

Double Heart Attack Risk from Cannabis

Cannabis Use Linked to Higher Risk of Heart Attack A recent study conducted by the University of Toronto has found that cannabis use significantly increases