News Medicine

WHO warns of dangers of e-cigarettes

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a warning about the dangers of e-cigarettes, citing their unknown long-term effects, their potential to be a gateway

 News Medicine

Vaping linked to erectile dysfunction

Electronic cigarettes, or E-cigarettes, have been found to significantly increase the risk of erectile dysfunction and impotence in men, regardless of age and other risk

 News Medicine

E-Cigarettes: A Gateway to Smoking

A new study conducted by the University of California in San Diego has found that teenagers who use e-cigarettes are three times more likely to

 News Medicine

Quit smoking with e-cigarettes

Smoking cessation is a challenging process, and not every method works for everyone. However, the Institute for Addiction Research at the Frankfurt University of Applied

 News Medicine

E-Cigarettes Promote Inflammatory Mouth Bacteria

E-cigarettes Increase Potentially Harmful Bacteria in the Mouth A recent study conducted by scientists at Ohio State University in Columbus has revealed that e-cigarettes can

 News Medicine

Cancer-causing Pulegone found in e-cigarette liquids.

A recent study conducted by scientists at Duke University School of Medicine has found that Pulegone, a monocyclic monoterpene ketone, has been detected in high

 News Medicine

Harmful Effects of Nicotine-Free E-Cigarettes

E-cigarettes, often touted as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes, have been found to damage blood vessel endothelial cells even in liquids without nicotine. According

 News Medicine

E-Cigarette Liquids Harm Cells

A new study from the medical faculty at Stanford University has found that e-cigarettes, often touted as a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes, are actually

 News Medicine

Equal Lung Damage from Heated Tobacco and Cigarettes

A recent study conducted by independent researchers from India and Australia has found that both tobacco heating devices and e-cigarettes are just as harmful to

 News Medicine

E-Cigarettes Likely Cause Cancer

E-cigarettes have become increasingly popular due to their lack of odor, lower cost, and perceived ability to help smokers quit. However, a new study has