News Technology

E-Fuel Research Facility in Germany

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is researching how to produce electric-based liquid fuels (E-Fuels) on an industrial scale. This comes as the European Union (EU)

 News Technology

Hydrogen Production on Your Roof

In a breakthrough development, researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have developed highly efficient photoreactor panels that can produce hydrogen, synthetic gas, or

 News Environment

Electric or E-Fuel Car? Cleaner Alternative.

The end of combustion engine cars is looming in many countries, and some manufacturers are pinning their hopes on E-Fuels, or synthetic fuels. A recent

 News Environment

Floating Solar Power Used by US Military

The end of combustion engine cars is looming in many countries, and some manufacturers are pinning their hopes on E-Fuels, or synthetic fuels. A recent

 News Chemistry

Fuel from Air, Wind, and Water

Scientists from the University of Stuttgart and the University of Bayreuth have developed a new technology that can produce synthetic diesel and kerosene from carbon