News Biology

Bird-like Sleeping Behavior in Dinosaurs

Scientists have discovered a new species of dinosaur in Mongolia that sheds light on the sleeping habits of non-avian dinosaurs. The dinosaur, named Jaculinykus yaruui,

 News Biology

Giant Deep-Sea Isopod Discovered

In the Gulf of Mexico, a giant sea pillbug has been discovered that is much larger than the typical pillbug. According to marine biologists, only

 News Archeology

Volcanic Eruptions Ended Chinese Dynasties

The impact of large volcanic eruptions on climate change has been studied for centuries. However, a recent study by Trinity College in Dublin has found

 Story Biology

Balancing Quantity and Quality in Forest Restoration

Restoring deadwood is a recognized strategy for bolstering biodiversity in forest ecosystems. However, understanding how and when wood‐inhabiting organisms colonize different types of deadwood remains

 Story Biology

Adapting to Apocalypse: Rats as Survivors

Contemplating the prospect of a mass extinction reminiscent of the event 65 million years ago, one question looms: which animals would emerge as survivors and

 News Biology

Were humans once scavengers?

A new study has shed light on the diet of early humans in Europe. The research, conducted by a team at the Centro Nacional de

 News Biology

Savannah Animals’ Biggest Fear?

A new study has revealed that elephants, rhinos, and giraffes are more afraid of human voices than the roars of lions, which are considered the

 News Biology

Glowing plants sold by biotech start-up

In a breakthrough development, Light Bio has successfully transferred the bioluminescence of a tropical fungus onto decorative plants, causing them to emit a green glow

 News Environment

Deep-sea mining threatens unknown species.

The Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) in the Pacific Ocean may soon become a site for deep-sea mining. However, a recent study has revealed that thousands of

 News Biology

Europe’s ancient humans wiped out by extreme cold

New evidence suggests that an extreme cold spell occurred in Southern Europe during the early Pleistocene, leading to the depopulation of the area around 1.1