News Biology

New jellyfish species spreading in Baltic

A new species of jellyfish appears to be spreading in the Baltic Sea. Biologists from the University of Greifswald have discovered several specimens of the

 News Biology

Vegan Shark: Not Just Meat-Eater

A recent experiment has confirmed a long-held suspicion among biologists: the bonnethead shark is not a pure carnivore and enjoys eating seagrass. The bonnethead shark

 News Environment

Rising sea levels swallow islands

The global warming and rising sea levels have already swallowed at least eight Pacific islands. The future for numerous smaller island nations does not look

 News Biology

Paradox Method Protects Reindeer Successfully

The population of caribou in North America is declining due to the increasing number of wolves. However, a recent study has shown that the solution

 News Biology

Tasmanian Tiger: Not Extinct?

The Tasmanian Tiger, also known as the Thylacine, has been considered extinct since 1936. However, recent alleged sightings of the animal have prompted researchers to

 News Biology

Firestorms Sweep Across Pacific

Millions of fireworms are currently flooding the waters of the North Pacific, leaving scientists puzzled as to why this is happening. These tube-shaped creatures have

 News Biology

Penguins at risk of extinction

A new model suggests that the Emperor penguins living in Antarctica could be extinct by the end of this century. Despite being able to withstand

 News Biology

Revamp Dinosaur Family Tree: Researchers Urge

A recent study by British paleontologists has fundamentally challenged the stable family tree of dinosaurs that has been in place for almost a century. The

 News Environment

Scientists predict humanity’s downfall.

The world is facing a crisis as humanity consumes more resources than the Earth can provide, and the planet’s wealth is unequally distributed. Researchers from

 News Biology

Life on Land: 3.22 Billion Years

New research on rock formations in South Africa suggests that life on land is at least 3.22 billion years old, 300 million years older than