News Biology

Tully Monster Mystery Solved?

The Tully-Monster, an ancient creature that lived 300 million years ago, has long been a mystery to scientists. Discovered in the 1950s in the Mazon

 News Technology

Brewing kettle reduces beer’s CO2 emissions

A new brewing kettle has been developed that can significantly reduce CO2 emissions and make beer production more environmentally friendly. The New Belgium Brewing Company,

 News Geology

Rain in Dry Zones Increases CO2

The dry regions of the Earth are affecting CO2 concentrations more than previously thought. When it rains at the end of the dry season on

 News Technology

Underwater Robot Collects Resources for Electric Cars

A new underwater robot has been developed that can autonomously harvest polymetallic nodules containing raw materials for electric cars without damaging the delicate ecosystems. Collingwood,

 News Biology

Rare Pterosaur Species Found in Germany

In a quarry in Oberfranken, Germany, researchers from the University of Portsmouth and the State Natural History Collections of Bavaria (SNSB) have discovered an unusual

 News Biology

Single-celled organisms consume viruses

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers have found that some single-celled organisms use viruses as their primary source of food, a phenomenon known as virovory. While

 News Biology

New Alien Group Discovered

A team of researchers from the University of British Columbia and the Russian Academy of Sciences has discovered a new supergroup of organisms that fills

 News Economics

“The Line”: Construction of Car-Free Megacity Revealed

Saudi Arabia’s ambitious plan to build an eco-friendly megacity called “The Line” in the desert has taken a significant step forward. The project, which was

 News Biology

2.5 Million Ants per Human

The Earth is home to approximately 20 quadrillion ants, surpassing the biomass of all wild mammals and birds combined. Biologists estimate that there are around

 News Geology

India’s Historical Megadroughts Confirmed

In the past millennium, one of the wettest regions on Earth experienced decades-long droughts. The Indian region of Meghalaya receives an average of eleven meters