News Geology

Chain reaction caused largest mass extinction

The largest mass extinction in Earth’s history, which occurred 252 million years ago, was caused by a rapid climate change triggered by 105,600 gigatons of

 News Biology

Megalodon: The Giant Shark

The Megalodon, a prehistoric shark that lived 23 to 3 million years ago, was much larger than previously thought, according to a new study by

 News Biology

Giant Tortoises Rediscovered on Galapagos

In a stunning discovery, researchers on the island of Isabela in the Pacific have found long-dead genetic material that has given hope for the resurrection

 News Biology

Giant Bird Linked to Early Humans

Palaeontologists have made a surprising discovery on the Crimean Peninsula: a three-and-a-half-meter-tall skeleton of a flightless bird, which is believed to have been in contact

 News Biology

New carnivorous spider-like plant discovered.

In a recent publication in the scientific journal Plant Ecology and Evolution, an international team of scientists announced the discovery of a new carnivorous plant

 News Biology

Food Chain Spreads Fish

Waterfowl Spread Fish Eggs to Remote Waters through their Diet Biologists have long been studying how fish populate isolated bodies of water in high mountains,

 News Biology

64,000 Sea Turtles Spotted by Drone in Australia

In a stunning discovery, scientists have filmed around 64,000 green sea turtles gathering to lay their eggs on Raine Island, off the coast of Australia.

 News Biology

Microbes Win in Atacama Desert

Researchers in the United States have discovered that bacteria can survive in extreme conditions in the Atacama Desert in Chile. The bacteria were found to

 News Environment

Replacing Insecticides with Pheromones

Insect pests are responsible for a significant portion of global crop losses. While insecticides protect against the problem, they are heavily criticized in the public

 News Environment

Decline of Insects in Germany

A ten-year study has revealed that the number of insects, species, and biomass has significantly decreased in all regions of Germany. Green and forest areas