News Economics

Climate change requires aid for developing countries.

The global economy may experience slower growth than previously anticipated, according to recent forecasts. This could have significant implications for efforts to combat climate change

 News Economics

Wealthiest Double Fortunes Amid Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a significant increase in social inequality, according to data from the organization Oxfam. The wealth of the world’s ten

 News Economics

Heavy Rain Threatens German Economy

Extreme rainfall is causing a decline in economic growth in wealthy countries such as the U.S.A., Japan, and Germany, according to a study by the

 News Economics

German Businesses Criticize Tax Complexity

High taxes in Germany are perceived as a major obstacle for businesses, according to a recent survey conducted by researchers from Humboldt University, Paderborn University,

 News Economics

45 Germans own half of Germany’s wealth

The gap between the rich and poor continues to widen, with official statistics revealing that the 45 wealthiest Germans are richer than the poorer half

 News Economics

Island to strip banks of money creation rights

The Icelandic government is considering a revolutionary proposal that would see only central banks allowed to create money. The idea, known as the Sovereign Money