News Economics

Linking Retirement Age to Life Expectancy

The idea of linking the retirement age to life expectancy has been proposed by an economist in Germany, as people are living longer. The CDU

 News Economics

Satisfaction over Wealth: No Billionaires Wanted

A recent study challenges the long-held belief in economics that humans have unlimited desires and constantly strive for more wealth. Researchers from the University of

 News Economics

High economic benefits of speed limit

A speed limit on German highways would not only reduce CO2 emissions but also significantly increase the country’s welfare, according to a recent study. While

 News Economics

Robots to Contribute to Pension Fund

The latest figures show that there is a huge deficit in the German pension fund. To address this issue, politicians are proposing that robots should

 News Economics

Record High Number of Millionaires

The number of dollar millionaires has reached a new record high, according to the Global Wealth Report by Swiss bank Credit Suisse. Despite the Covid-19

 News Economics

Minimum Wage Boosts Productivity in Germany

The introduction of a minimum wage of 8.50 euros in Germany in 2015 was met with concerns about its impact on the competitiveness of local

 News Economics

Is Illegal Parking Worth It?

A recent study conducted in a German city has investigated whether illegal parking is economically viable. The study, conducted by the Faculty of Tourism at

 News Economics

Examining the Impact of Sanctions on Russia

The sanctions against Russia have been a controversial topic in Germany. A recent study has investigated the impact of these measures on prosperity and trade.