News Technology

Burning electric cars in fire bags

In a breakthrough development, a German firefighter has invented a new solution to tackle the challenge of extinguishing burning electric cars. Leo Steinhauser, a commander

 News Environment

Oil and Gas Heating Ban in Germany by 2035

A new study conducted by the Wuppertal Institute on behalf of Greenpeace has found that all buildings in Germany can be heated using renewable energy

 News Technology

5-Minute Charging for Electric Cars

A new charging cable with a cooling liquid that vaporizes can charge electric cars in just five minutes. The long charging time compared to refueling

 News Chemistry

Hydrogen from Hydrogen Sulfide

A new process has been developed that can produce pure hydrogen from toxic hydrogen sulfide. The process is set to be tested on an industrial

 News Technology

1000x Boost for Solar Cells

Scientists at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) have developed a new crystalline structure for solar cells made from barium, strontium, and calcium titanate. This structure

 News Economics

Cars faster than public transport

Public transportation in German cities takes about twice as long as driving a car, according to a study conducted by the Mobility Institute in Berlin.

 News Technology

Disappointing Results of Industry 4.0 in Germany

Germany’s ambitious Industry 4.0 initiative, which aims to fully integrate modern information and communication technology into production, is facing significant challenges in terms of financing

 News Technology

New Record Efficiency for Flexible Solar Cells

A new breakthrough in solar cell technology has been achieved by scientists at the Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt (Empa) in Switzerland. They have developed a

 News Technology

US Military Looks to the Future

A new breakthrough in solar cell technology has been achieved by scientists at the Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt (Empa) in Switzerland. They have developed a

 News Technology

Longer lifespan for solar cells

A new coating made of germanium that separates the photovoltaic and thermal bands of sunlight is set to increase the efficiency and lifespan of photovoltaic