News Physics

Record Time Measured in Quantum Leap

A breakthrough in the development of transparent solar cells could soon lead to windows in office skyscrapers being used to generate electricity. Scientists at the

 News Chemistry

Fuel from CO2, Water, Light

A new photokatalysis film has been developed by scientists at the University of Cambridge that mimics the natural photosynthesis process of plants, producing organic compounds

 News Technology

Bio-Ethanol reduces CO2 and particulate emissions

A new combustion engine developed by scientists at TU Wien in Austria has the potential to make truck transportation significantly more environmentally friendly. The engine

 News Chemistry

Million Times Thinner Gold Plate

Scientists at the University of Leeds have developed a new two-layered gold material that accelerates chemical processes ten times faster than currently used nanoparticles. The

 News Technology

Food freshness on smartphones

A new breakthrough in solar technology has been achieved by scientists at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa). They have developed

 News Technology

New Record Efficiency in Flexible Solar Cell

A new breakthrough in solar technology has been achieved by scientists at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa). They have developed

 News Chemistry

Record-breaking superconductors with lanthanum hydride

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz have developed a new superconductor that functions at minus 23 degrees Celsius, breaking the previous

 News Physics

Eco-Friendly Magnetic Cooling System Unveiled

Innovative magnetocaloric cooling systems could soon replace traditional chemical refrigerants, according to researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques in Freiburg, Germany. Current

 News Technology

Internet Speeds May Increase 100x

Australian researchers have developed a technology that could potentially increase internet speeds by up to 100 times using existing fiber optic networks. The team, led

 News Technology

RFID Technology Continues to Advance

Revolutionizing the logistics industry, RFID technology offers companies, warehouses, and service providers the optimal way to track and trace their products and monitor their locations.