News Economics

Record High Car Ownership in Germany

Germany Sets New Record High for Car Density Germany has reached a new record high for car density, with the increasing trend towards owning a

 News Environment

Effective Climate Actions for Road Traffic

A new study has revealed that Germany must significantly reduce its CO2 emissions in the transport sector to achieve its goal of becoming climate-neutral by

 News Economics

Electric cars more accident-prone

Electric cars are involved in accidents with damage to their own vehicles much more frequently than cars with combustion engines, according to Swiss insurance company

 News Technology

Electric Car Charging in Sidewalk

Rheinmetall, a German technology company, has presented a solution to the lack of public charging stations for electric cars in the country. According to a

 News Economics

Germany introduces 5.4 ct/km eco-friendly toll

Germany is facing a funding gap due to the rise of electric cars and the subsequent loss of revenue from the mineral oil tax. To

 News Environment

100% Renewable Energy Globally Achievable

The global energy system could be completely transformed to rely on wind, water, and solar power for a cost of $62 trillion, according to a

 News Technology

Electric car that runs on CO?

The two-seater sports coupe Zem is removing CO? from the atmosphere while driving, making it carbon-neutral over its entire lifespan. Developed by scientists at the

 News Technology

Wooden Battery for Electric Cars

Northvolt, a Swedish company founded by former Tesla managers in 2015, is developing a battery for electric cars based on lignin, a biopolymer found in

 News Environment

Electric or E-Fuel Car? Cleaner Alternative.

The end of combustion engine cars is looming in many countries, and some manufacturers are pinning their hopes on E-Fuels, or synthetic fuels. A recent

 News Environment

Floating Solar Power Used by US Military

The end of combustion engine cars is looming in many countries, and some manufacturers are pinning their hopes on E-Fuels, or synthetic fuels. A recent