News Psychology

Prevent Cognitive Biases in Electric Car Purchases

A recent study conducted by the University of Geneva has found that cognitive biases are preventing many people from purchasing electric cars. Despite the fact

 News Technology

Extreme Fast Charging with Optimized Lithium-Ion Battery

Chinese scientists from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) have developed a new technology that allows lithium-ion batteries to be charged in

 News Economics

Inefficient Expansion of E-Charging Stations in Germany

The expansion of electric charging stations in Germany is currently being carried out in an inefficient manner, according to the latest Energy Transition Barometer by

 News Technology

Quantum Batteries: Faster EV Charging?

Revolutionary Quantum Battery Could Revolutionize Electric Car Charging Electric cars have been criticized for their relatively long charging times, but a new quantum battery based

 News Economics

Switzerland Bans Electric Cars

Europe is facing a potential power shortage this winter, and Switzerland is taking proactive measures to ensure energy security. As the country produces a significant

 News Economics

Electric Cars: High Savings Potential in Germany

A recent study by Greenpeace has found that the monthly total costs of owning an electric car in Germany are significantly lower than those of

 News Technology

Burning electric cars in fire bags

In a breakthrough development, a German firefighter has invented a new solution to tackle the challenge of extinguishing burning electric cars. Leo Steinhauser, a commander

 News Technology

Electric cars less prone to fires

According to data from the United States, cars with combustion engines are more likely to catch fire than electric cars. In recent years, the media

 News Environment

Electric cars proven climate-friendly

Electric cars are often considered more environmentally friendly than traditional combustion engine vehicles due to their lack of local emissions. However, the production of electric

 News Technology

5-Minute Charging for Electric Cars

A new charging cable with a cooling liquid that vaporizes can charge electric cars in just five minutes. The long charging time compared to refueling