News Technology

Color-changing artificial “skin” for camouflage

Volkswagen Unveils Autonomous Charging Robot for Electric Cars Volkswagen Group Components (VWGC) has announced the development of an autonomous charging robot for electric cars. The

 News Environment

Germans Support Ban on Combustion Engines

A recent study by has found that a slim majority of Germans (42.8%) are in favor of a ban on cars with combustion engines,

 News Technology

2,000 km Range Boost with SALD Batteries

A new battery technology called Spatial Atom Layer Deposition (SALD) has been developed by a collaboration of Dutch and German scientists. The technology is expected

 News Economics

Underestimating the Cost of Car Ownership in Germany

Car owners in Germany are underestimating the monthly costs of their vehicles by an average of 50%, according to a study by the RWI –

 News Economics

Elon Musk unveils small Tesla for Europe

Tesla CEO Elon Musk was inspired to create a new Tesla model during his visit to Germany. The new Tesla will be significantly smaller than

 News Environment

Diesel cleaner than electric cars.

A recent study by the ifo Institute has found that electric cars, such as the Tesla Model 3, produce more CO2 emissions than comparable diesel

 News Technology

Liquid Battery for Electric Cars

Revolutionary New Energy Storage Technology for Electric Cars Developed by Researchers Researchers at the University of Glasgow have developed a new energy storage technology that

 News Technology

Electric race car sets acceleration record.

In the past, electric cars were often associated with slow, small vehicles with limited range. However, this image is now outdated as engineers are competing

 News Technology

Revolutionary 1,000-Core Processor Runs on Single AA Battery

The image of electric cars as slow, small vehicles with limited range is outdated. Today, engineers are competing to create the fastest electric race cars.

 News Technology

1000-Hour Silicon-Air Battery

A major problem with silicon-air batteries, which have the potential to increase the range of electric cars by five times, has been solved by researchers.