News Biology

Creating Mice from Male Cells

In a groundbreaking development in genetics, scientists at the University of Kyushu in Japan have successfully created mice using only male skin cells. The breakthrough

 News Biology

First fossil of nesting dinosaur found.

A groundbreaking discovery in China has revealed that dinosaurs incubated their eggs in a manner similar to modern-day birds. Palaeontologists have long known that most

 News Medicine

Russian Scientist Continues Gene Experiments on Babies

A Russian scientist has announced his intention to conduct experiments on embryos using the CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing tool, despite the known health risks. The Chinese scientist

 News Biology

Playing Dead: Baby Sharks’ Survival Tactic

In a fascinating discovery, researchers from the University of Western Australia have found that even shark embryos possess a survival instinct. The young of the

 News Medicine

Scientists create embryo with three parents.

In a groundbreaking development, American scientists have created embryos that carry the genetic material of three adults. This technique could potentially eliminate certain genetic diseases