News Environment

Cruise ships pollute more than cars

Carnival Corporation’s cruise ships emit more toxic sulfur oxides than all 291 million cars in Europe combined, according to a study by Transport and Environment

 News Economics

Higher Gas Tax Promotes Health

The interaction between health and transportation policies has been underestimated in the past. Researchers from the RWI Leibniz Institute for Economic Research have found that

 News Environment

Human Activities Increase Methane Emissions

A new study has revealed that changes to bodies of water can significantly increase their methane emissions. Methane has a much stronger impact on climate

 News Environment

Plug-in Hybrid Cars’ Real Consumption

A recent study has revealed that the real-world fuel consumption and emissions of plug-in hybrid vehicles are significantly higher than official test results suggest. Plug-in

 News Environment

Sunlight breaks down plastic into thousands of compounds.

A new study by the University of Basel has revealed that the majority of mercury in the oceans comes from gas exchange, rather than contaminated

 News Environment

Researchers call for higher CO2 tax

Scientists, managers, and politicians have jointly called for a significant increase in the CO2 price to limit climate change. According to a study by the

 News Environment

71% of Germans Want Speed Limit

A majority of Germans are in favor of a general speed limit on highways, according to a recent survey conducted by the insurance company Allianz

 News Environment

Mercury in Oceans from Gas Exchange

A new study by the University of Basel has revealed that the majority of mercury in the oceans comes from gas exchange, rather than contaminated

 News Physics

Improved Truck Aerodynamics Reduce Fuel Consumption

Dutch researchers have developed a simple but effective way to reduce fuel consumption in trucks by up to 7.5%. By attaching a funnel-shaped device to