News Psychology

Music and Morality: A Connection

Music is a powerful tool that helps us express our emotions, feelings, and beliefs. But did you know that the music you listen to can

 News Psychology

Personality Type Affects Vaccine Willingness

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas has found that a person’s personality type can significantly influence their willingness to get

 News Psychology

The Power of Anger: Beneficial or Harmful?

A recent study conducted by researchers at Texas A&M University has explored the potential benefits of anger as an emotion. According to the theory in

 News Biology

AI detects pig emotions

A new study has shown that artificial intelligence (AI) can detect the mood of pigs based on their sounds. This technology could improve the quality

 News Psychology

Alcohol can’t chase away negative feelings.

Alcohol is often used by many people to suppress negative emotions. However, according to a study, the drug actually intensifies depressive feelings. Researchers at the

 News Medicine

Brain Recognizes Familiar Music Instantly

Music is not only a global cultural phenomenon, but it also has a unique place in human memory, according to a study by the University

 News Psychology

Dreams and Reality are Identical

Dreaming has always been a mystery to science, but researchers have recently made some important discoveries about how we dream. Michael Schredl, a dream researcher,