News Biology

Widespread Illegal Caviar Trade in Europe

Illegal Fishing of Endangered Sturgeon Species for Caviar Continues Despite Protections. Sturgeon, one of the most endangered species on Earth, are still being illegally caught

 News Environment

Giant Whale Sharks at Risk

The population of whale sharks, the largest living fish on Earth, continues to decline despite protective measures. A recent study conducted by scientists at the

 News Environment

Endangered Sharks Found in Dog Food

Shark DNA Found in Dog and Cat Food In a shocking discovery, scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have found DNA from endangered

 News Technology

AI to save rare whale species

The Atlantic North Right Whale, one of the world’s most endangered species, is facing extinction. However, a new technology has been developed to help preserve

 News Biology

Endangered Field Hamster

The field hamster, once considered a pest to agriculture, is now one of the rarest animals in Europe. Industrial farming and habitat isolation have led

 News Biology

New carnivorous spider-like plant discovered.

In a recent publication in the scientific journal Plant Ecology and Evolution, an international team of scientists announced the discovery of a new carnivorous plant

 News Medicine

Chinese tree may cure cancer.

A rare tree species, Abies beshanzuensis, found only in China, has been found to contain a compound that can suppress tumor growth. Unfortunately, there are

 News Biology

Rediscovery of Extinct Leopard Species

After being thought extinct for over three decades, a species of leopard has been discovered in Taiwan. The Formosan Leopard, also known as the Taiwan

 News Biology

World’s largest bee still alive

In a remarkable discovery, the Wallace’s giant bee, also known as Megachile pluto, has been spotted for the first time in nearly four decades. The

 News Biology

Is the Tasmanian Tiger back?

A Tasmanian Tiger, believed to be extinct since the 1930s, may have been spotted in the wild. The Tasmanian Tiger, also known as the Thylacine,