News Technology

Nanofluid Device Generates Power from Seawater

A new energy source has been discovered in the difference in salt concentration between seawater and freshwater. Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

 News Physics

Generating Electricity from Humidity with Nanomaterials

A new generator made from a nanomaterial with micropores can now harness energy from humidity in the air. Developed in China, this system can power

 News Chemistry

Efficient Fuel Production from CO

A new photokatalysis system has been developed that is more efficient than natural photosynthesis. This system can convert CO2 in water into methane and hydrogen,

 News Environment

Electricity or Gas: Which is Greener?

A new study by researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has revealed when it is more environmentally friendly to heat and cook with

 News Environment

Europe’s Largest Gas Field Shut Down Due to Earthquakes

The largest natural gas field in Europe, located in Groningen, Netherlands, is set to be completely shut down due to the thousands of earthquakes it

 News Technology

Battery Tanker to Transport Power

PowerX, a Japanese company, has designed a battery tanker that can transport large amounts of energy across the world’s oceans, similar to an oil tanker.

 News Technology

France speeds up nuclear power plant construction

France Accelerates Nuclear Power Plant Construction to Reduce Dependence on Russia France, which already produces three-quarters of its electricity from nuclear power plants, has passed

 News Astronomy

Chinese Space Station Studies Gamma Ray Bursts

A new measuring instrument developed by scientists from Switzerland and Germany is set to explore the origins of gamma-ray bursts. The instrument, called Polar 2,

 News Technology

Future Autobahn Designed with Supraleaders

Revolutionary Autobahn Concept: Supraleitende Magnetspulen und Wasserstofftransport Imagine traveling from Munich to Hamburg in just 80 minutes, with cars autonomously driving at speeds of up

 News Physics

Efficient Mini Fusion Reactor Developed

Israeli start-up NT-TAO has announced the development of a container-sized fusion reactor that is expected to be a million times more efficient than current fusion