News Technology

Traditional Graphics Cards Beat Supercomputers

A recent experiment conducted at the Technical University of Munich has shown that commercial graphics cards outperform modern supercomputers in complex simulation calculations. As a

 News Technology

Run to Power: Biomechanical Energy Collector

A flexible carbon strip that generates electricity from knee movements during running has been developed by scientists at the American Institute of Physics (AIP). The

 News Medicine

Natural Metabolic Limitations in Humans

The human body has a limit to its endurance, and scientists have been studying what factors set these limits. A recent study published in Science

 News Geology

Geothermal drilling causes earthquake

A devastating earthquake that struck the South Korean port city of Pohang on November 15, 2015, was caused by geothermal drilling, according to a joint

 News Technology

Harvesting Drinking Water from Atmosphere

A new method of extracting drinking water from the atmosphere has been proposed by Israeli scientists. This method not only offers a genuine alternative to

 News Technology

Heat-Powered Air Conditioning System

Revolutionary Cooling Device Uses Heat Instead of Electricity and Chemicals As global temperatures continue to rise, air conditioning units are becoming increasingly necessary. However, these

 News Physics

New Record Field Strength for Cuprate Superconductor Magnet

Florida State University scientists have set a new record for the strongest stable magnetic field with a hybrid magnet made of a high-temperature superconductor and

 News Chemistry

Fuel from Plastic Waste: Activated Carbon

Scientists at Washington State University have developed a new method of producing kerosene and diesel from plastic waste. The plastic is first ground into rice-sized

 News Chemistry

Chemists turn CO2 into coal

Chemists at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia have developed a new process that can turn carbon dioxide (CO2) back into coal using liquid metals as

 News Physics

Turning Light into Matter

Physicists at a British laboratory are attempting to prove a theory that has been considered unprovable for over 80 years: that light can be converted