News Physics

First X-ray Image of Single Atom

Physicists have achieved a groundbreaking feat by creating an X-ray image of a single atom using a special detector. Previously, only significantly larger objects could

 News Environment

Car care products pollute heavily.

Autocare products have been found to be a surprisingly significant source of vehicle-related pollutants, with ethanol and methanol being released in large quantities into the

 News Technology

Hydroactive Building Facade: World’s First

A new system has set an efficiency record for propane-based heat pumps, reducing the amount of propane needed to operate them. While heat pumps are

 News Technology

World’s Most Eco-Friendly Car Unveiled

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) and HWA have developed a new vehicle that is being hailed as the world’s most environmentally friendly car. While electric

 News Medicine

Microplastics found in human blood.

For the first time, scientists have detected microplastics in human blood, highlighting the severity of the plastic waste problem and the urgent need for action

 News Economics

Germany introduces 5.4 ct/km eco-friendly toll

Germany is facing a funding gap due to the rise of electric cars and the subsequent loss of revenue from the mineral oil tax. To

 News Economics

Double the Price of Meat in Germany

The conventional agriculture industry in Germany is causing high externalized costs that are not reflected in the prices of food products. According to Hubert Heigl,

 News Chemistry

Mushroom-made Paper, Leather, and Thread

In a bid to reduce the environmental impact of textile and paper production, researchers at the University of Borås have developed a process that uses

 News Medicine

Slim down with public transportation

A recent study conducted by the University of Illinois has found that using public transportation instead of cars can lead to a decrease in obesity

 News Economics

Cheap Food in Germany: A Problem

The high inflation rate in Germany has become a major concern for many citizens. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the economic impact of the