News Chemistry

New Atmospheric Substance: Hydrotrioxide

Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery that hydrotrioxides can be formed in the Earth’s atmosphere. These highly reactive compounds have unknown effects on the environment

 News Technology

Electric vehicle generates more power

The Lynx electric dump truck generates more electricity than it consumes during operation. This massive vehicle, weighing in at 58 tons, was previously a diesel-powered

 News Environment

Medication pollutes rivers worldwide.

Rivers on all continents contain drugs in dangerously high concentrations, with poorer countries being particularly affected. A recent study by the University of York found

 News Technology

Revolutionary Technique Extracts Rare Earths

In a breakthrough discovery, scientists at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) have found a way to extract rare earth metals from coal ash using a process

 News Environment

Oil and Gas Heating Ban in Germany by 2035

A new study conducted by the Wuppertal Institute on behalf of Greenpeace has found that all buildings in Germany can be heated using renewable energy

 News Economics

The Hidden Costs of Meat Consumption

The production of meat comes with high externalized costs that the public must bear. According to a study by Soil & More on behalf of

 News Environment

Chemicals Threaten Earth’s Habitability

Swiss company Exlterra has announced plans to rid the Chernobyl disaster site of radioactive contamination over the next five years using its Nucleus Separation Passive

 News Economics

Educated Germans Bike More

A recent study conducted by sociologist Ansgar Hudde from the University of Cologne has found that people with higher education levels in Germany tend to

 News Environment

Electric cars proven climate-friendly

Electric cars are often considered more environmentally friendly than traditional combustion engine vehicles due to their lack of local emissions. However, the production of electric

 News Biology

Less Ants with Glyphosate and Thiacloprid

The use of pesticides has long been a concern for environmentalists, and a recent study from the University of Graz in Austria has highlighted the