News Environment

Mushroom Leather Innovation

Mushroom-based vegan leather is a more environmentally friendly and cheaper alternative to traditional animal leather, while still possessing similar tactile properties and being biodegradable. Leather

 News Environment

Fukushima: Radioactive Water to Sea

TEPCO, the operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that exploded in 2011, plans to dispose of over 1.2 million tons of radioactive wastewater

 News Technology

Too Many Vehicles Too Loud

A recent study by the German Federal Environment Agency has found that many new cars and motorcycles are unnecessarily loud and contribute significantly to noise

 News Technology

Air Purifier Reduces COVID Aerosols

New Study Finds Many New Cars and Motorcycles are Unnecessarily Loud According to a recent study by the German Federal Environment Agency, many new cars

 News Medicine

Animal diseases spreading to humans

A new UN study has raised concerns that diseases could increasingly jump from animals to humans in the future. The study warns that the massive

 News Environment

Toxic Chemicals Found in German Children

The German Environment Agency has issued a warning that children in Germany have too many long-lasting PFAS chemicals in their blood. The current study is

 News Environment

Hot Asphalt Creates More Fine Dust

Hot asphalt releases aerosols that form secondary particulate matter in the air. In warm regions, more particulate matter is generated than by the entire road

 News Technology

Floating Wind Turbine Tested Successfully

A floating wind turbine model, Nezzy2, has been successfully tested during a storm surge in the Baltic Sea. The full-sized Nezzy2 will be tested for

 News Environment

Eco-Friendly Coffee Capsules: A Reality

The popularity of coffee capsule systems has been on the rise in recent years, with approximately 3.5 billion coffee capsules consumed in Germany alone last

 News Biology

Bacteria Enzyme Breaks Down Plastic

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found that diatoms, a type of algae, could potentially help break down plastic waste in the ocean. By manipulating