News Technology

New Supersonic Plane for Commercial Flights

Boom Technology, a company founded in 2004, is working on a new supersonic aircraft that could travel from London to New York in just 3.5

 News Technology

China uses artificial news anchors

In a groundbreaking achievement, researchers at MIT have successfully flown an aircraft without the use of traditional propellers, turbines, or jets. Instead, the aircraft was

 News Environment

Ocean Cleanup Project: Positive Results

The Ocean Cleanup project aims to rid the oceans of the tons of human waste that float just below the surface. After six weeks of

 News Environment

Record Low Temperature on Earth

In 2004, a satellite measured a temperature of minus 98.6 degrees Celsius in the valleys of the East Antarctic polar plateau, setting a new record

 News Biology

Massive Second Coral Reef Found in Australia

A second massive coral reef has been discovered by researchers north of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. The reef is estimated to be around

 News Biology

Plastic-eating bacteria found by researchers

Plastic has become an increasingly significant problem for the environment in recent years. However, researchers may have found a solution to this issue. They have

 News Environment

Salt Contains Microplastics

Plastic pollution is a growing concern worldwide, with microplastics being found in various food and drink products. Now, researchers have discovered that even salt contains

 News Environment

Confirmed: Pesticides Cause Bee Deaths

A scientific expert group from the EU has confirmed that certain pesticides are responsible for the decline in bee populations. This confirms what numerous studies

 News Technology

Tires Generate Power with Pressure and Heat

Goodyear Tire & Rubber, the US-based tire manufacturer, has unveiled a new tire designed specifically for electric cars. The BH03 tire uses both piezoelectric and

 News Technology

Sail-hulled Cargo Ships Harness Wind

In a bid to reduce the environmental impact of shipping, Norwegian engineer Terje Lade has developed a new type of cargo ship that uses wind