News Environment

Riches’ Extreme Luxury Fuels Climate Change

The wealthiest 10% of the world’s population, including a large portion of Germans, are responsible for approximately half of global CO2 emissions. This is due

 News Environment

LNG Worse Than Coal for Climate?

A new study conducted by Robert W. Howarth of Cornell University has revealed that burning liquefied natural gas (LNG) instead of coal in Germany may

 News Medicine

Slow Weight Gain with Insect Proteins

Insect Proteins from Mealworms Could Help with Weight Management Mealworms could be the solution to reducing meat consumption and improving human nutrition, according to a

 News Environment

Global Forest Fires Revealed by ESA

The European Space Agency (ESA) has developed an interactive tool called the World Fire Atlas that tracks global wildfires and their progression over time. The

 News Technology

E-Fuel Research Facility in Germany

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is researching how to produce electric-based liquid fuels (E-Fuels) on an industrial scale. This comes as the European Union (EU)

 News Economics

Satisfaction over Wealth: No Billionaires Wanted

A recent study challenges the long-held belief in economics that humans have unlimited desires and constantly strive for more wealth. Researchers from the University of

 News Biology

Glyphosate Causes Heart and Brain Malformations

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Ulm has found that the controversial herbicide glyphosate, even without its additional ingredients, can cause

 News Psychology

Reducing guilt over meat consumption?

Meatshaming, a practice where food items are labeled with messages such as “An animal died for this piece of meat!” in an effort to reduce

 News Environment

Meat consumption threatens global food supply.

The current food production system is threatening the future global food supply, according to a study by PwC Strategy& titled “The Coming Sustainable Food Revolution.”

 News Biology

Microplastics Harmless to Fish and Consumers

A recent study conducted by the Thünen Institute for Fisheries Ecology has found that microplastics in the North and Baltic Seas do not pose a